Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Search found 65 matches

Plat prices increased!

Well done on keeping the plat prices realistic. $160 AUS for 4k plat. $30 increase......really!! I'm scratching my head at this weekend discount on chests, it almost works out the same as the old price. Pricing yourself out of the market here OTM on what is on offer. I don't have an issue with money...

Re: Hasted bosses

Muldar don't take Vulture seriously. No one in Lugh does. Vulture how about you show some RESPECT to everyone else in the game before you have anything to say...smh.

Keep up your good work Muldar.

Re: My Take on Lugh

Vulture you act so dominant and expect everyone to listen to you, point proven above. That's why you're the biggest douche in the game.

Re: My Take on Lugh

Your a joke Vulture, your all about yourself. Always bash people who don't agree with you with some sarcastic comment. Your probably one of the most self opiniated little $@#% out there. Alliance has ruined the game overall with my way or the highway rules. They broke a system that was fair for all....

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